1- Mental health awareness meeting in communities :--
The organization organizes “Man Samvad meetings” every month in 50 schools and 20 communities of Gwalior city, the main objective of which is to make people aware about mental health. “Man Samvad Group” is run in the community by organization workers whose main work focuses on developing people's understanding of mental health issues in the community as well as how to strengthen mental health.
Through meetings, women and men of the community were given information about mental health and information about how to keep it good is also provided by the organization workers. Similarly, in schools also, the organization holds meetings in “Man sanvad groups” and provides information about mental health to the school students and teachers.
The activity itself has been named Man Samvad. In which people of the community were asked to express their views. People of the community can speak their mind to us. If they are worried, troubled or disappointed about something, they can tell us. In the meeting, people are also provided information about mental health through video clips/films.
In the meeting, people of the community discussed their other problems like ration card not being made, Aadhar card not being made etc. and also found solutions to them. To make the meeting interesting, Chetna songs and folk songs are also sung by the group members. Besides, interesting sports activities are also organized in the group meetings.
2- Training on mental health with volunteers :--
To provide training on mental health to the selected leaders (volunteers) in the workplace so that they can identify mentally disturbed persons in their community and get them connected with the mental health awareness program run by the organization in which free counseling support is provided to the troubled person. In the training, first of all the leaders were introduced to the organization and then the leaders introduced themselves.
A 45 minute PPT file was prepared for training 20 leaders selected by the organization workers.
In which what is mental health? How many types are there? How can this be removed? Community leaders were trained through all these questions. During the training, the leaders were told about mental health through sports. Chetna sang songs during the training, which boosted the morale of the leaders and they participated in the training with more thoughtfulness.
Films related to mental health were also shown during the training so that the leaders could understand better. During the training, traditional games were played among women to promote traditional games to the leaders. The leaders were entertained with games like rope jumping, kabaddi, kho-kho etc.
3- Awareness Fortnight on mental health issues :--
To stop the increasing trend of issues like stress and suicide in the community, Suicide Prevention Week was organized under the Kadam campaign being run in the city by Kadam Jan Vikas Sanstha in collaboration with Paul Hamlin Foundation. In which some major activities were organized extensively to make people aware.
These activities are as follows: Before running the Mental Health Awareness Week, first of all a volunteer meeting was organized in which the suicide prevention week was discussed with the volunteers in which it was decided that all the volunteers present in the meeting would participate in the activities to be conducted during the week. Provide support in activities.
4- Nukkad Natak :--
To make the people of the community aware about mental health, street plays are performed at selected public places in the city, in which people are made aware on topics like stress, depression and suicide through drama.
5- Awareness camp on mental health :--
In the last few years, problems related to stress, depression, suicide and mental health have been increasing in the city. There is hardly any person in the community whose life has been stress free. If seen according to the current circumstances, stress has become an important part of our lives. .
The person who faces the stress in his life and finds a solution to it without any difficulty is mentally healthy and those who have difficulty should work on mental health to keep his mental health strong. There is a need in which awareness related to subjects has special importance.
Groups for mental health awareness were formed by Kadam Jan Vikas Sanstha in 20 settlements of the city and currently these groups are being run by the members of the groups. In these groups, different topics of mental health are met and discussed every month. These meetings are conducted and it emerged that there is a need to run awareness programs on a large scale to make more people in the community aware about mental health.
And after discussion in the groups, it was decided that mental health awareness camps would be organized twice a year in every colony and the role of group members would also be ensured in these camps.
Mental health awareness and counseling/testing camp was organized by Kadam Jan Vikas Sansthan in collaboration with Paul Hamlin Foundation. What are the symptoms of mental health and how they can be overcome it was explained to the people present in the camp. To make people aware about mental health, posts related to mental health were designed by the workers of the organization.
People were informed to come to the camp through loudspeakers and pamphlets. Counselor Rashmi Mandam, present in the camp, listened to the mental health related problems of the people coming to the camp and counseled them. S. by the institution of those who are more troubled by those people. R. Why. The question form was filled.
In which the form was filled by asking questions related to the person's sleeping, waking up, eating and drinking habits, his health and behaviour. After filling this form, it is known to what extent the person has mental health related problems. After that the person was counseled and he was given the number of his organization. Also given so that he can contact the organization through phone also.